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Torrija with extra virgin oil and evoo ice cream

torrija casera con aceite virgen extra y helado de virgen extra

An Easter without torrija does not make sense. And although the issue of going out is complicated… Why not make the holidays happy by making some French toast with extra virgin oil and EVOO ice cream, or what is the same, extra virgin olive oil ice cream?

In today’s recipe we give you several options:

1- Make the torrija and fry it with our extra virgin picual, although many people do not recommend using an extra virgin olive oil, I will say that they are wrong. The slight itching of the picual enhances the taste of honey, since they are two ingredients that pair perfectly and the result is spectacular. We can accompany it with any ice cream, see vanilla.

2- Make the torrija, fry it with our EVOO, and accompany it with an extra virgin olive oil ice cream. Together they make a great tandem, mixing the taste of sweet with spicy, and only with quality ingredients. Since we skip the diet, that at least be with quality products, and healthy as is the case with our Jáen oil.

Let’s do it then!



  • Loaf of bread for torrijas. Today there are many types, if you prefer a special mold, you will also find it in bakeries. About tastes there is nothing written….
  • 1 liter of milk. It can also be as you want, we prefer whole or fresh.
  • 2 eggs
  • Sugar
  • 1 or 3 cinnamon sticks.
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Lemon peel
  • Extra virgin olive oil Pago de Espejo


We cook the milk together with the lemon peel to give it flavor, the cinnamon stick and 3 tablespoons of sugar, over low heat for 10 minutes, being careful that it does not come out like us hehe.

We cut the bread into approximately two finger slices. We put them in a low bowl and soak them with the milk (previously removed the cinnamon and lemon from the milk).

aceite de oliva andújar

We beat the eggs in a deep plate and prepare two dishes. One flat with a kitchen paper that absorbs the rest of the excess oil, and another with the sugar mixed with the cinnamon powder. (the amount of cinnamon a little by eye, depending on how sweet we like things).

aceite oliva Jaén

Heat the Pago de Espejo extra virgin olive oil in the pan (plenty to brown them on all sides and soak up the flavor of our oil). We take a French toast from the tray, we drain it, and we pass it through the egg with some tongs. Once drained and with the oil very hot, we fry it until it is golden brown. Remove and drain on the plate with the napkin to remove excess oil.

aceite de ooliva virgen extra

Finally, we pass the extra virgin oil torrija through the sugar and cinnamon, remove the excess and plate it.

torrija casera con aceite virgen extra y helado de virgen extra




  • 125 gr of extra virgin olive oil Pago de Espejo
  • 6 large egg yolks (the whites can be frozen for another use)
  • 250 gr cream
  • 100 gr honey


We separate the yolks and beat them in a bowl or in the robot until they foam. We booked.

helado aceite virgen extra

We put a saucepan on the fire, and add the honey and milk. We heat over a very low heat until the honey is completely dissolved. (Stir occasionally).

helado aceite virgen extra

In another saucepan, add the egg yolks and half of the honey and milk mixture that we have just heated. We stir very well so that it does not set, until we obtain a very light cream. Little by little and with the fire still very low, we add the rest of the milk and honey mixture. We constantly stir avoiding it from cutting, and when it is sufficiently curdled, we remove it and let it cool.

nata liquida con virgen extra

We mount the cream halfway, and when the cream has cooled, we mix it with the cream. It is important to do it in circular movements so that the cream does not fall.

helado aceite de oliva

Add the olive oil little by little, making circular movements to achieve a homogeneous mixture. We put it in the freezer well covered, for about an hour.

Approximately every hour, we take it out and stir avoiding ice chips from forming. We repeat the process about four times, and ready to drink.

The result, this spectacular French toast with extra virgin olive oil ice cream. Dare to try it, you will be surprised….

torrija casera con aceite virgen extra y helado de virgen extra

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