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Ajoblanco with extra virgin

Ajoblanco with extra virgin


Hos we bring you a fresh and very appetizing recipe for these hot dates, Ajoblanco with Extra Virgin.

The real origins of this cold soup are unknown, but certain indications point to the Romans as the authors of this rich recipe. Many are the cities that dispute its creation, the most typical areas being Andalusia, and Extremadura, where by chance the Roman settlements were. Within the Al-Andalus area, Jaén, Málaga, Córdoba and Granada are the main cities that offer this delicacy in their menus and bars. Although like everything in life, there is a lot of difference between one region and another, even between one restaurant and another.

Some put eggs and milk, others tomato and almond juice, some use Thermomix, and others nevertheless do it with the robots of a lifetime. We bring you the Jaén version, as expected, and more especially, from our beloved land Andújar.

The preparation is very simple, and it will only take you 15 minutes to do it. It is a dish that can be eaten weekly, and given its humble origin, the cost of it is very low, making it the perfect ally this summer.


  • 150 gr Loaf bread crumbs from the day before
  • 500 ml cold water
  • 100 ml Extra virgin olive oil gourmet from Jaén
  • 100 ml raw almonds
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 pinch of salt



As not everyone has a Thermomix, we give you the recipe to make it with a normal robot that we have at home, with it being powerful and whipping well, enough.

  1. We cut the loaf bread from the previous day in half, and separate the bread crumbs from the crust. We keep the crumb apart.pan con aceite virgen extra
  2. In the blender glass, we put the soaked crumb with the included water, the garlic clove, the raw almond, vinegar and salt and we crush everything until it is very fine.crema fría con aceite de oliva
  3. Next, we beat the mixture adding little by little the extra virgin oil as if it were a mayonnaise, until everything emulsifies well.
  4. Keep cold until serving time.
  5. As a side, the typical thing is usually some grapes, or ham … We have chosen this time, to turn it into a more forceful dish, which sometimes functions as a single dish for summer nights, and serve it accompanied by tuna belly, Dried dried tomato, fried almonds, some arugula leaves and some lump roe.
  6. Finally, top with a string of gourmet extra virgin olive oil, and success is assured.

You know, this summer enjoy the good, #enjoytheoil.


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Aceite de oliva Pago de espejo